‘There’s Always Tomorrow’ [CD, 2019] [Audio CD] Bonzo Squad


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SKU: M20-224 Category: Tag:


The musical collaborative effort spearheaded by saxophonist Corbin Andrick known as Bonzo Squad is taking on Chicago one show and one melted face at a time! Specializing in locked-in grooves accented with advanced harmony, Bonzo Squad is sure to bring you to your metaphorical/musical knees with its bold flavors and striking stage presence. Bonzo Squad is a collaborative ensemble that crosses the boundaries of genre with the virtuoistic abilities of its members. 1. ’83’ (02:44) 2. ‘Remedy’ (06:43) 3. ‘Empathy’ (01:38) 4. ‘Hungry Hungrey Hippos’ (01:58) 5. ‘iO’ (06:12) 6. ‘#Smaeshtag’ (03:47) 7. ‘There’s Always Tomorrow’ (05:29) This CD is brand new and factory-sealed!