Traditional diets aren’t working Whether you’re eating like a “caveman,” choosing “organic” or “vegetarian,” it doesn’t matter. You’re overweight because your hormones are conspiring against you – thanks to all the crap thrown into food. Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler says that thousands of unapproved chemical flavors are “hijacking our brain.” Once they glide over your taste buds, they force you into eating too f#@%ing much! Proper hormone function is suffocated. Dieting only makes it worse. Time magazine highlighted this, writing that, “A new study by Australian researchers helps explain why [dieters can’t lose weight]: a symphony of hormonal changes sends the body relentless signals to slow metabolism and increase the urge to eat, for at least a year after weight loss. Instead of focusing on hormones, the “experts” dribble out diet advice like: “Just exercise more” “Take Synthroid for your thyroid” “Graze, eat 4-6 small meals per day” “Stop eating carbs” “Quit eating red meat” “Make sure you get your post-workout protein shake” “Eat like a caveman” “Try bioidenticals” “Get testosterone cream” hit lander – The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet book These diet fads are all about selling… They scare you into buying cookbooks purported to melt belly fat. They bully you into buying meatless mush marketed as “low-cal.” And they torture you with new-fangled exercise routines. And when all of this tomfoolery fails, they blame you! Don’t listen to them…Your life depends on it!
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