Butter Cream Gang [VHS] Review: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind December 8, 2008 By Jennie Johanson Why does this movie deserve five stars? On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be much to recommend it. It’s a low budget film starring actors nobody has ever heard of. However, this is truly one of the most influential movies I’ve ever seen in my life. As a young girl, it was one of my favorites. … I can see how the events in that film helped to shape my ideas about friendship and perseverance. The story involves a group of young high school kids who grow up together in a small town. They form a club and call it “The Butter Cream Gang” with the purpose of helping their neighbors and having fun. Scott and Pete are especially close, but one fall Pete goes to NY to help out his widowed aunt. While there, he falls in with some bad kids and joins a real gang in NY. When Pete comes back, his friends are surprised to find that not only has he changed his style of clothing, but he has become very hard and bitter. Pete doesn’t appreciate their attempts to reach out to him, and only lashes out at them for trying. Of course, the crux of the story is the moral dilemma, with themes such as kindness, forgiveness, turning the other cheek and, most important of all, unconditional love. Will Scott be able to persevere even when Pete seems like he will never change? This had a huge impact on me as a kid, and I think that I am the kind of friend I am today partly because of it. During high school, when one of my friends got pregnant, I was the only one who stuck by her. Hard family situations have made me feel like “bailing out” emotionally, but God has given me the courage to continue loving them no matter what. … The soundtrack compliments the film perfectly, especially the song by Judd Mahar (“Dreams of a Better Day.”) There are some fine performances, most notably on the part of Michael D. Weatherred who plays the bad boy.
- Format: VHS NTSC
- Number of tapes: 1
- Language: English
- Studio: Thomson Productions
- ASIN: 5559873055
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