Parabola: Myth, Tradition, and the Search for Meaning — Volume 30, No. 2 Summer 2005 — Restraint [Journal] Lorraine Kisly


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Parabola began publishing in 1976 as a quarterly journal on the subjects of mythology and the world’s religious and cultural traditions. It is published by The Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition, a not-for-profit organization, and its founder and editor was D.M. Dooling. The name of the journal is explained by the editors in this way: “The parabola represents the epitome of a quest. It is the metaphorical journey to a particular point, and then back home, along a similar path perhaps, but in a different direction, after which the traveler is essentially, irrevocably changed.” Each issue focuses on a particular subject, with each article related to the main subject. Authors contributing articles to Parabola have included Joseph Campbell, Ursula K. Le Guin, Mircea Eliade, Jacob Needleman, Thomas Moore, Christmas Humphries, William Irwin Thompson, Isaac Bashevis Singer, David Rosenberg, P. L. Travers, Jane Yolen, Robert Lawlor, Pablo Neruda, Keith Critchlow, Elaine Pagels, James Hillman, Robert Bly, Gary Snyder, Howard Schwartz, Italo Calvino, David Rothenberg, John Anthony West, and many others in the fields of Jungian psychology, spirituality, ecology and the aforementioned subjects. The journal also publishes interviews with many of the same figures, as well as reviews of books in these fields. The journal’s subtitle has changed over the years. In its first years, it was Parabola: Myth and the Quest for Meaning, then Parabola: The Magazine of Myth and Tradition, later Parabola: Myth, Tradition, and the Search for Meaning, and now it is Parabola: Where Spiritual Traditions Meet. *** The theme of this issue is “Restraint: The Power of Not Doing.”

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Cover is taped. Cover has normal wear. Pages are clean. Binding is secure.





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