After Solo—what—where do we go from here? What does soaring really offer the individual? After you have taken your first ride or even after you have checked out and have soloed a sailplane, the question can still be unanswered. Sure it’s fun to fly a sailplane. It’s the closest you can come to the pure, natural flight of the birds, a feat man has envied down through the centuries. But there must be more to the sport than becoming proficient in controlling a motor-less aircraft. The knack of following a tow plane can be mastered in a relatively few flights. And when conditions are booming, staying up is easy – often with these conditions a pilot on his first solo will earn his “C” soaring award. Landings too, quite quickly, become a matter of routine. Yes there is a great deal more to the sport of soaring than just towing up, staying up and landing back where you started. The purpose of this book is to explore the many facets the sport can offer.
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